This blog began as a daily painting blog but as life changes, so does a blog. It has become a journal of a writer who paints and enthusiastically works outdoors to maintain fitness.

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, Garlic and Shallots

This last summer I grew two kinds of garlic and one kind of shallots. I tried the shallots first. They were large juicy....cloves. Weren't shallots supposed to be like onions, with layers? These seemed more like garlic and tasted more like garlic. And then I realized they were garlic. I had forgotten where I had planted what. The white stiff neck garlic was wonderful but I only had about six heads. The shallots were small golden skinned clusters and the purple racambole garlic had a purple tinge to the papery skin. The racambole was mostly small heads because I had neglected to cut the scapes. If you cut off the scapes, the tiny garlic cloves that develop at the tops of the stems, the plants' energy goes into producing the underground heads.

I keep the garlic in a copper pot that one of my sisters-in-law gave me years ago. It was meant to be a little simmering pot for potpourri but it works well for storing garlic. The poor little pot has been banged around a bit. It has dents, the handles are bent and the knob on the lid is crooked. Lots of character.

I ran out of light before this painting was finished. Since I won't be working on it when the light returns, or it wouldn't be a daily painting, it is as it is.

8" x 10" $110


  1. I like this one a lot! I'm not as eloquent as Jim in explaining what I like exactly, but it's beautiful. Also makes me think of Hilary and her love of garlic. Calypso has been asking to go to your house all week, so we're excited for tomorrow.

  2. You probably also like it because that is such a familiar little pot. It's been in the kitchen forever, or seems like it.

    Tell Calypso we're excited about seeing her, and equally, you!

  3. Clearly I'm not eloquent, Chels
    Nan, I think this one is nice. I especailly like the subtelties of the colors in the garlic.
    It reminds me of the many flavours there are in that wonderful plant
