This blog began as a daily painting blog but as life changes, so does a blog. It has become a journal of a writer who paints and enthusiastically works outdoors to maintain fitness.

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18 A Simple Yellow Mug

It's official: I have a series. If you have three of an item it's a collection. Two paintings constitutes at least the beginning of a series. There'll be at least one more of my favorite mugs.

It's been another busy day with proofing the next issue of Central Minnesota Women and editing my vinegary manuscript. The manuscript is off to the publisher. Now I simply need to amass the photos to accompany it.

But, gee, there's nothing simple about a yellow mug. A yellow mug, of course, isn't just yellow when you're doing a painting of it.

This mug came into the house about the time Ron and I went on the Splendid Italy tour with host Lynn Rossetto Kasper. We had a post trip gathering and that's when we got the mug; I think. Anyway, Minnesota Public Radio is a favorite so that makes this mug a favorite. I took the artistic liberty of omitting the crack that's developed and is extending from the rim downward. One of these days, it will just split assunder and I'll be down one favorite mug.

8" x 10" $180

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